Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lace Blocking (A Primer on How to Fascinate Cats)

I saved myself 40 bucks or so today by going to Lowe's and buying some coiled 18 gauge steel wire instead of putting up the cash for lace blocking wires. You'll be happy to know that I was correct. They work pretty well...once you get the wire to stop coiling. I have blocked the first half of the Heart scarf.

I'm still working out the kinks (real kinks, this time), but it certainly does the trick.

I blocked it on the trusty ironing board, the favorite hangout for cool cats, so of course I had an audience for this, too. The fact that there was wire moving that they could bat at didn't hurt, either.

While it dries, I can knit the second half. You have to knit up from both ends in order to get the pattern to go the right direction when you wear it. So I have plenty of time to block the first part. Maybe I can block the second part while I finish the felted bag...

Here we have the second half in the fantastic orange bag. Still working with a net!

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