Sunday, February 24, 2008

Too Many Books?

These pictures were actually taken before I obtained a few more books. I have a couple books. The overwhelming majority of the books on this shelf are craft books. In the very bottom right hand corner is a large plastic case full of crayons. I like crayons

You'll also notice to the left of the shelf (which is located very close to the front door) part of my home security system. See it? It may have hit a baseball once or's hard to say.

This shelf is so close to the door, that it's where Gracie stands when she wants to say hello or goodbye if you're at the front door. It's cute until she knocks stuff over.

This shelf consists mostly of cookbooks. I LOVE cookbooks. I have somewhere around 80 or 90 in all. I think. Ryan likes the fact that I have a cookbook that is just called "Chocolate."

It's as we pack things up to move that I realize there's an awful lot of books. These pictures don't even show the other shelf or any of the books that don't fit on the shelves...or Ryan's stray books (which seem to multiply like rabbits). Most of the boxes I have packed and labeled say "books and.." something else. They're all half full of books. Even the boxes that don't say books have books in them, I think.

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