Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Little Something I Whipped Up

For a while now, I've been looking for something to hold my ebony Lantern Moon Sox Stix. These wonderful little five inch long double pointed needles are perfect for socks (which I'll get around to making some day) and they're just darn pretty. They've been in the cute little plaid organza bags they originally came in since I bought them (well, they've been out a few times when I've attempted to knit in the round with size 0 needles, but other than that...). All six sets were in the luggage that didn't arrive with me in Pittsburgh. That was scary.

Now they have a home.

Don't they look all warm and cozy nestled in their new little case? Very snuggly.

I think I may have hit on something. I've been off my game when it comes to creating new stuff lately. Not that this is a far cry from the crochet hook case really, but there was some different dimensions at play here. I think it worked out pretty well. I used fabric I don't really like too much, though, and might have to make a prettier one now that I have it down (nailed it on the first try, by the way!).

This success leads me back to the ill-fated circular needle case. I have half a prototype in an absolutely horrendous combination of scrap fabric. It works in theory, but I have to put a real one together. This one, I think, is going to be almost labor-intensive enough to be not worth making a lot of them.

Much easier to make are the originals, the cases for the twelve inch single points. Mine is below. I don't know how many I actually made before I decided on the fabric to make my own. These aren't like the bags. You only really need one. Unless, of course, you have a complete set of ten, twelve, and fourteen inch needles. Maybe I'll just work on that.

Hmmm...There's a couple missing...Fancy that!

One of these days, I'll pick fabric and make myself a crochet hook case. That will give me an excuse to rustle up more Brittany black walnut hooks.

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