Friday, November 16, 2007

I Have to Go Check on My Turkeys

This is what I told the other teachers in the faculty room. I realized as I said it that I could easily be talking about either the roasting poultry or my students.

For the second year in a row, I have made Thanksgiving dinner with a foods class made up of various teenagers. Apparently, I drink heavily before making this particular decision.

I'm just kidding. It's actually a lot of fun. Just ask the turkey.

I don't know why I keep doing this. It's exhausting. It would be easier to cook for 15 teenagers than it is to cook with them. It came out pretty well, though. We torture the entire school with the smell of fabulous stuffing (cook it until it smells right) and roasting turkey. They did a great job with the pumpkin pie and I pitched in the famous raspberry swirl cream cheese pie.

It looks good anyways. Those mashed potatoes were absolutely perfect!

My favorite picture is always the aftermath. The shot of the food table after the vultures have picked the carcass clean.

We had leftovers today. That's a great thing to write in your lesson plans, by the way..."Friday: Eat leftovers."

1 comment:

Phil said...

Excellent Work Lynnsey. I overheard many of your students bragging about how good the food was. I was extremely jealous. Maybe next year some students will bring me some.