Friday, December 14, 2007

Queen of Hearts

I've knit lace once before. There are lace panels in the cable scarf. They're nothing fantastic, but they are still lace. I've been having trouble with more elaborate lace lately, though. I just can't get it right. My yarn overs never look as big as the pictures in the patterns.

I did find a cute heart pattern, part of an old Knitty special edition. I'm having some luck with it. It might become a scarf.

It's a pretty simple pattern. Aside form the k4tog (knit 4 stitches together all at once!). You just have to split it in the middle if you want all of your hearts to go the right way. That's easy.

One of the things about lace knitting is that it doesn't look like much until you block it. I wasn't really sure about it until I had blocked it. I'm on my way to Lowe's to look for wire instead of paying through the nose for lace blocking wires. We'll see how that goes.

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